Are you going through a separation or divorce?
Your children are going through this too? They too are experiencing loss.
Although you and your partner will no longer be a couple, you will always be parents. In most cases, children benefit from a continued loving relationship with both parents. So why not learn how to support your children as best you can.
Rise in Divorce, ‘No Fault Divorce’ and Covid-19
Such support is particularly necessary at the moment given the rise in divorce, the new ‘no fault divorce’ coming into force which requires a 26 week period of reflection where therapy/guidance may be required, and loss suffered as a result of Covid-19.
The ‘Helping children with loss’ online programme
The ‘Helping children with loss’ programme is an online programme that will enable you to identify symptoms and behaviours caused by grief and loss, increase your confidence in talking about difficult and painful feelings with children, help you know what to say and what not say to say.
I am running this course ONLINE on the following dates:
Tuesday 1/8/15/22 December from 6-8pm. The cost will be at a rate of £120 pp.
If you have questions please contact me on 07736323103 or email paulaparker@eliteaspirations.com
Paula Parker – ‘Elite Aspirations’
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist
Personal development coach for young people and their families
Mobile – 07736323103