Family Law

5 Ways a Felony Can Impact Your Life

A felony can adversely impact your life in all sorts of ways. You don’t want to plead guilty to a felony, whatever you do. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get a seasoned lawyer to represent you when you are facing any criminal charges. Here are the five ways a felony can impact your life.

You Won’t Be Eligible for Federal Assistance

If you are found guilty of a felony or plead guilty to one, you won’t be eligible for federal assistance. This means that you won’t be allowed to, for instance, receive any food stamps or get help with paying for higher education. You will not be allowed to get loans, grants or work-study. If you’re short on savings, not getting federal assistance can adversely impact your life.

You May Have to Forfeit Professional Licenses

If you have established your career and been professionally licensed, a felony conviction can undo all that. Let’s say, for instance, that you were licensed either to practice medicine or teach before your felony. A conviction can lead to the revocation of your professional license.

It is Hard to Find a Job

This is probably the most ruinous way in which a felony can adversely impact your life. A lot of employers will be skeptical of hiring a person with a felony conviction, as they will presume that you are at the very least untrustworthy – or worse – dangerous. Without a job and the ability to support yourself, your quality of life will undoubtedly suffer.

Your Ability to Travel Will Be Impacted

Your ability to travel to foreign countries will be negatively impacted by a felony. If you are an immigrant to the U.S., you may not be permitted to become a naturalized citizen of the U.S. In Canada, for example, you won’t even be allowed into the country since Canada doesn’t allow people who have been involved in criminal activities into the country.

You Will Not Be Allowed to Own Firearms

If you like to hunt or carry guns for personal protection, then a felony will rob you of the right to carry firearms. After a felony conviction, your right to own guns goes out the window, so you can’t hunt or use a firearm for self-defense purposes. If you enjoy hunting, you’ll need to find another hobby. If you live in a bad neighborhood, it may be time to move.

While being convicted of a felony is by no means the end of the world, it will make your life very difficult. Of course, you can always restore your community standing and enjoy success after a conviction, but it is going to take a long time and be very challenging.

If you have been accused of a felony or other criminal activity, it is important to find a legal representative to defend your case.  Paul J. Tafelski is an experienced criminal defense lawyer located in Michigan.  For more information about felonies and other criminal charges, visit the website at