Family Law Finance

Signs that a Nursing Home is Being Negligent

elder neglectWe’ve always been told to “respect our elders”, but looking at the news and hearing the horrific stories of elder abuse, it’s clear that not everyone holds elders in high regards.  Elderly individuals, over the age of 60, are at higher risk for maltreatment and such elderly neglect takes place everywhere, but most often in the nursing home setting.  In nursing homes, residents are vulnerable as they often rely on others (such as nursing aides) to assist them with everyday living.  Unfortunately, many elders are physically, mentally, sexually, financially exploited, making them victims of a large and sometimes “silent” problem, elder abuse.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 500,000 older adults (aged 60 +), in the U.S., are believed to be abused or neglected each year.  However, the startling and overwhelming statistics are most likely underestimated due to the number of elder abuse that is not reported.  Like many abuse victims, many elders are unable or afraid to report the abuse to police, family, friends, or others who can protect them.  Family and friends who have a loved one in a nursing home facility should stay involved, informed, and be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior in either the resident or a worker.

Warning Signs of Elder Abuse in a Nursing Home

When visiting a friend or family member in a nursing home pay attention to the way he/she looks and acts.  If you suspect elder abuse, report it.  Protect seniors by bringing suspected abuse to the attention of the appropriate authorities such as a local adult protective services agency.  Many people are afraid to report suspected abuse because they fear they might be wrong, but if you don’t report suspicious activity, your elderly loved one could continue to be abused and in worse cases, die because of the abuse.  Take action and report if you see, hear, or suspect the warning signs of neglect in a nursing home:

–          Your loved one might be Financially exploited if:

  • He/she has a lack of affordable amenities and comforts in their room.
  • Uncharacteristic or excessive giving of gifts or financial reimbursement for care and companionship.
  • The victim is not getting proper care to fulfill needs, even if money is available for such costs.
  • Has made legal or monetary transactions, but does not understand what they mean.


–          Your loved one may be a victim of physical or emotional abuse if he/she:

  • Has inadequately explained fractures, bruises, welts, cuts, sores, or burns
  • Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases
  • Unexplained or uncharacteristic changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from normal activities, or unexplained changes in alertness
  • Caregiver is verbally aggressive or demeaning, controlling, or uncaring


–          Your loved elder may be a victim of overall Neglect if he/she:

  • Lack of basic hygiene or appropriate clothing
  • Lack of food and basic needs
  • Lack of medical aids such as glasses, dentures, medication, hearing aids.
  • An individual with dementia is left unsupervised
  • An individual confined in bed is lacking care
  • The room is cluttered or dirty or in need of repairs and lacks amenities
  • Untreated bed sores or pressure ulcers (indication of lack of care)

Elder abuse and neglect in a nursing home affects thousands of innocent senior citizens each year.  Many suffer in silence because they are unable to communicate and they live in fear.  Be the voice for neglected elders.  Respect your elders; don’t turn your back on them.


Child Support Children

Cerebral Palsy Risk Factors

Cerebral PalsyCerebral palsy is often seen as a muscular disorder, but it is actually a combination of several neurological conditions that can affect the muscles quite dramatically. The word “cerebral” references the cerebrum, which is a part of the brain. Therefore, cerebral palsy is a disorder that originates in the brain. This article discusses cerebral palsy risk factors.

Cerebral Palsy and Medical Malpractice

Some babies are born with noticeable signs of cerebral palsy, while other children have symptoms but are not properly diagnosed for a few years. However, most cases of cerebral palsy are noticed within the child’s first three years of life. One key sign of cerebral palsy includes the child being slow to do any of the activities that are normally done at their age, such as sitting up, crawling, laughing, and talking. A lack of muscle control is also a noticeable sign of cerebral palsy.

Medical malpractice can be a risk factor associated with the disorder. However, it’s not only medical malpractice that can cause cerebral palsy; many children are born with cerebral palsy where medical malpractice was not proven to be a part of the equation.

Hypoxia and Cerebral Palsy

There is a condition that develops when the brain does not receive the proper amount of oxygen; this condition is called hypoxia and it can develop over the period of time between birth and the few days after birth. Babies born with a limited oxygen flow to the brain have a 40 to 70 percent chance of ending up with a life-long disorder such as cerebral palsy, while the other percentage will end up with no disability.

Limited oxygen flow to the brain can sometimes occur for no known reason when the baby is in the womb, but it can also occur during the birthing process. When the baby is in the womb, the following things can happen: the umbilical cord may become wrapped around the baby’s neck; there may be an infection; or the baby may suffer congenial heart disease. All of these issues can result in a decrease in oxygen to the baby’s brain. Hypoxia occurs in approximately 2 to 10 of 1000 births in the Unites States.

Head Trauma and Cerebral Palsy

Head trauma is serious, and it can result in cerebral palsy. Head trauma can occur as a result of medical negligence during the birthing process. When head trauma happens to full-term babies during labor or delivery, it is usually evidenced by the abnormality of the pH in the cord blood. In addition to pH, the baby usually scores quite low on the Apgar scale, and the fetal monitor will often indicate oxygen deprivation.

Cerebral palsy is a serious condition that develops in nearly 10,000 new babies every year in the United States. It is a life-long condition that significantly affects the quality of life for children and their families. It’s important for new parents to better understand cerebral palsy, its risk factors, and learn what they can do to improve their situation.

If your child was born with cerebral palsy and you believe that it was a result of medical malpractice or hospital negligence, seek a legal professional to review your case.  Janet, Jenner & Suggs, Attorneys at Law represent cerebral palsy victims nationwide.  For more information, visit the website of cerebral palsy attorneys Janet, Jenner & Suggs at

Family Law

Causes and Prognosis of Klumpke’s Palsy

Modern medicine has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. What was seen as untreatable even a few decades ago is now managed with relative ease. Despite these improvements in health care, some conditions—such as Klumpke’s Palsy—continue to provide challenges to doctors and nurses. Individuals who have been diagnosed with this condition or are concerned about its development may want to have a basic understanding of the disease itself, its symptoms, causes, and prognosis. Working with a health care team experienced in the management of Klumpke’s Palsy is important for those who want to achieve optimal results in the treatment of the condition.

What is Klumpke’s Palsy?

As with all conditions, obtaining some knowledge about the basics of Klumpke’s Palsy is important for those living with the disease. Traditionally, Klumpke’s Palsy is defined as a condition characterized by the complete or partial muscle paralysis of the lower roots of the brachial plexus. Specifically, Klumpke’s Palsy has been found to affect the C7 and T1 branches of the brachial plexus, though other roots may also be involved. This palsy results in weakness in the fingers and hands, and loss of use of various fine muscles in the region.

Symptoms of Klumpke’s Palsy

As mentioned above, individuals who have been diagnosed with Klumpke’s Palsy often experience weakness in their fingers and hands. In more advanced cases, complete paralysis can occur, leading to the development of a “claw hand.” Ulnar nerve numbness is another common symptom of Klumpke’s Palsy, and can be very disruptive to individuals living with the disease. The loss of nerve sensation associated with Klumpke’s Palsy can sometimes lead to serious burns, lacerations, or other physical ailments, as the sensation of pain is no longer present.

Causes of Klumpke’s Palsy

There are a number of different factors believed to be behind the development of Klumpke’s Palsy. According to Erbs Palsy, babies that are large for gestational age may be at the greatest risk for the development of this condition. Similarly, mothers who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, have had a history of caesarean sections, or are themselves quite small-boned may be more likely to deliver a baby with Klumpke’s Palsy. Finally, mothers that have gained a substantial amount of weight during their pregnancy, are of an advanced age, or suffer from an extended pregnancy may give birth to a baby with Klumpke’s Palsy.

Prognosis for Klumpke’s Palsy

So what, exactly, is the prognosis for Klumpke’s Palsy? Can babies who are born with this condition expect to see a resolution in their condition? Unfortunately, there is currently no “tried and true” treatment for those who have been born with this serious health condition. Most experts recommend early immobilization, followed by a regimented program of physical or occupational therapy to manage the symptoms of Klumpke’s Palsy. In the more severe cases of the condition, certain types of surgery—such as those which promote nerve stimulation—may be recommended by experienced health care providers.

Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. is a personal injury law firm located in Chicago, Illinois.  For more information, please visit us at